The Parker Institute Inaugurates Two New Fellowship Training Programs

Two new training positions have been established at the Sean Parker Institute to train otolaryngologists in laryngology. The Sean Parker Fellowship is a unique, two-year program intended to educate the next generation of laryngeal physician investigators. Over the course of the program, physicians will not only acquire clinical skills and knowledge, but pursue coursework and research that will culminate in a Masters of Science in Clinical & Translational Investigation. This added qualification will bring much-needed expertise to laryngology research, and provide a foundation for solid progress in clinical care. The Sean Parker Fellowship is the only program of its kind in laryngology. The Parker Institute has also joined with the Department of Otolaryngology at Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons to offer a joint one-year clinical fellowship with broad exposure to all aspects of laryngology, inlcuding care of the performing voice, neurologic voice disorders, laryngeal cancer, and swallowing and aiway disorders. Both fellowship positions are available  through the NRMP Laryngology Match, and interviews for candidates to begin in July 2018 are underway.


Sean Parker Institute for the Voice Weill Cornell Medical College 240 E 59th Street New York, NY 10022 Map it