Voice Evaluation

Voice evaluation may be simple - as in the case of a sports fan who becomes hoarse at a game due to a polyp on the vocal fold - or it may be extremely difficult. Voice problems can be very subtle, and the finding which is initially apparent may not be the finding which is causing the problem.

Identifying the correct problem is a process. It involves an appropriately-trained specialist carefully reviewing a history of the problem - as well as listening to the voice itself - and then carrying out a meticulous examination of the source of sound: the vocal folds themselves.


How does my voice work?

Sound results from the forceful exhalation of air between two shelves of pliable tissue called vocal folds, or cords. This system is capable of fine modulation of pitch and loudness.

Who should evaluate my voice problem?

General practitioners, otolaryngologists (ear, nose and throat doctors) and laryngologists all evaluate and treat voice problems with varying degrees of sophistication and expertise.

How will the doctor determine what is wrong?

The first steps in evaluating a voice disorder are investigation of the problem's history, and a physical examination. How do you describe a voice change to the doctor?

How will my vocal folds be examined?

There are three principal ways of visualizing the vocal folds. Each has its role. Stroboscopy is a specialized way of seeing vocal fold vibration in the office. 


Sean Parker Institute for the Voice Weill Cornell Medical College 240 E 59th Street New York, NY 10022 Map it