
2017 Fall Voice Conference: Parker Institute studies detail vocal injury in fitness instructors, examine safety and side-effects of steroid injection of the vocal folds

The Fall Voice Confernce, held in Washington, DC  October 13-14, saw the Sean Parker Institute's Christine Estes, MM, MA-SLP review the Institute's growing experience with vocal injury in fitness instructors, and staff laryngologist Babak Sadoughi, MD examine the safety and efficacy of steroid injecitons of the vocal fold.

Parker Institute Instructional Courses on Vocal Fold Paralysis, Vocal Fold Injection in the Awake Patient, and Vocal Fold Paresis at the American Academy of Otolaryngology’s Annual Meeting

Sean Parker Institute physicians summarized the state-of-the-art on three different aspects of nerve injury of the larynx for the membership of the American Academy of Otolaryngology at its Annual Meeting ( ), Sep 10-13, 2017, Chicago, Illinois. The Annual Meeting is the largest meeting of otolaryngologists in North America.

Study Reveals Experts Disagree in the Clinical Diagnosis of Vocal Fold Paresis

A Sean Parker Institute study published in the September 2017 issue of The Laryngoscope ( ) shows that expert consensus on stroboscopic diagnosis of paresis remains elusive. Laryngeal stroboscopic examination is by far the most common means used to diagnosis this entity. Agreement regarding the presence or absence of paresis in laryngeal video examinations among blinded raters was only moderate. Even less existed regarding the side and nerves involved.

Sean Parker Institute for the Voice Weill Cornell Medical College 240 E 59th Street New York, NY 10022 Map it