Former Sean Parker Fellow Shows Vocal Polyps Are Treated Just As Effectively in the Office as in the Operating Room; Work Wins Prestigious Harris Mosher Award

The Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meetings in Chicago, IL, May 15-19, saw former Sean Parker Fellow Keith Chadwick, MD MS recognized with the coveted Harris Mosher Award for work performed at the Sean Parker Institute for the Voice. The Mosher Award is given each year for the best thesis in clinical medicine presented to the Triological Society, and is regarded as a pinnacle honor in the field. Dr. Chadwick, who was the first Sean Parker Fellow in 2018-20, devoted his research time at the Sean Parker Institute to comparing voice outcomes of traditional microsurgery of vocal cord (or fold) polyps under general anesthesia with those of polyp surgery using KTP laser in the office in the awake patient. Using exhaustive metrics, he showed that outcomes are in all respects indistiguishable. This evidence of equvalence opens up the use of the office procedure for patients with exacting vocal requirements like actors and singers. 

Dr. Chadwick Presents Mosher Award-Winning Work


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