Lucian Sulica, MD, Director of the Parker Institute for the Voice, presented his technique for In-Office Vocal Fold Injection Augmentation in the awake patient at the 2019 Combined Sections Meeting in San Diego, CA. Vocal fold injection augmentation is a safe and effective treatment for a variety of disorders of vocal cord insufficency, including vocal fold paralysis, paresis and selected cases of scar and sulcus. The procedure is traditionally performed in the operating room on the fully anesthetized patient. Dr. Sulica has written extensively on vocal fold injection in the awake patient, including the largest series of cases published to date. The Triological Meeting presentation covered patient selection, injeciton technique and complications, all illustrated by procedure videos. Injection augmentation, performed regularly by all Parker Institute physicians, is a mainstay among treatment techniques, and a subject of ongoing development and investigation.
The Trological Society, aka The American Laryngological, Rhinological and Otological Society, was founded in 1895 in New York, New York. In the more than 120 years since its founding, The Triological Society has attracted the best and brightest in academic and clinical otolaryngology. Membership in the Triological Society is achieved by presenting a thesis in the field of otolaryngology before a panel of peers. For those who are committed to research and related scholarly activity, the Society offers fellowship with like-minded peers who share common values, interests, and concerns.